'..              01/02
                                                   ::.            03/04
                                                    ':: .         07/06
          NZMS 260 Series.                           ':: .        09/10
                                                      ':::        11/12
   each dot (.,':) represents a map                    :::.   ..  13/14
   in the series. There are 339                        :::::::::  15/16
   altogether. Each is 30km high                      .::':::::   17/18
   and 40 wide, apart from the two                   :::::::''    19/20
   Chatham Islands maps which are                    '':::::      21/22
   slightly larger. The projection                      :::'      23/24
   is on the NZ Map Grid which                   .:. . .::'       25/26
   is accurate to within 23cm per km.            ::::: ':'        27/28
   The grid on each map can point               ::::::            29/30
   to a unique location to within              .:::::             31/32
   the nearest 100 metres; This grid          .:::::              33/34
   was used to find a random place          .::::::.              35/36
   on each of the selected maps,          .::::::' '              37/38
   which was then visited & filmed.      :::::::                  39/40
                                       .:::::::'                  41/42
                                       ::::::::                   43/44
                                      ':':::::                    45/46
                                         .'''                     47/48
                                         ''                       49/50

these pages are intended for people who don't see pictures on the Internet. The maps and movies are described rather than shown. Also available is a list of all the wordiest documents on this site. If you are sick of pictures (and mice), try using Lynx as your browser.

If you want to see the movie that these pictures are based on, fill in the movie tour request form.